Xiuge Chen

Email: xiugechen (at) gmail (dot) com

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Last updated: 29 Nov, 2021

I am a graduate software engineer at Optiver APAC. I recieved my Master in Computer Science (with Distinction) at The University of Melbourne, where I am fortunate to be supervised by Anthony Wirth . While at there, I was also a research assistant at the Human-Computer Interaction Group under the supervision of Tilman Dingler . Previously, I was a undergraduate at Nanjing University, China, studying Biological Science and Finance (minor), where I was fortunate to have Jing Wang as my thesis supervisor.

Broadly speaking, my main research interest is exploring how best to help people process and utilize big data. As data keeps exploding, we must revise our current information processing stacks entirely, from fundamental algorithms to high-level user interfaces. My ultimate goal is to build new stacks better tailored for big-data analysis, and I am currently tackling it from two directions:

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